Veganism in Mexico and the world
May 04, 2023
In a world where the shift in consciousness is taking place, a paradigm shift is needed in all facets of daily life, changes in habits that will raise the personal vibration and thus synchronize a movement for evolution.
One of these changes has to do with eating habits, and getting into this topic involves asking a series of questions: what do I do when I eat another sentient being, how do I change to improve my diet, what harm do I do when I eat another sentient being, how do I change to improve my diet? And it is precisely this last question that opens many doors.
By eating an omnivorous diet, that is, consuming both plants and animals and their derivatives, we are favoring an industry that tortures animals, other living beings that suffer so that we can subsist; but this is not necessary.
Fortunately, more and more people are joining the vegan and vegetarian diet. Here are some facts:
- According to Tradex, a company dedicated to bringing exhibitions to Mexico, revealed in 2018 that at the 12th edition of Gourmet Show (a major Mexican gastronomy event), 20% of attendees have a vegan and vegetarian diet.
- In 2016, Nielsen, a company dedicated to consumer studies, said that Mexico is the country with the most vegan and vegetarian people in all of Latin America: 19% are vegetarians, 15% flexitarians and 9% vegans. The convictions of these people to carry out this change are totally personal.
In short, Mexico has a high rate of people who have opted for a vegetarian, vegan or flexitarian diet. Globally, the figures are also encouraging, as the consulting firm Lantern elaborated in 2019 a study entitled "The Green Revolution", the same collected the following data:
- 35% of the population in Spain has reduced its consumption of red meat and 9.9% has turned to a vegan diet.
- In the United Kingdom, 12% of adults are vegan, or 7.7 million people, and 20% of the young population between 16 and 24 years of age have also decided to adopt this lifestyle.
- Sixteen percent of Germany's population is also vegetarian.
- Of the total population of Italy, 10% is vegan.
- In Portugal, 200,000 people have declared themselves vegan in 2019.
Veganism is an initiative that comes from Ancient Greece, even in the Hindu culture: there were characters who decided to leave aside animal products to promote non-violence against these living and sentient beings.
Veganism is a totally pacifist initiative that not only includes a change of diet, but also in leaving aside all kinds of products that have had an origin of exploitation or violence against animals: it moves away from fabrics such as fur, from products such as goose feather pillows; it moves away from cruel entertainments such as hunting; it even rejects the purchase of pets, defending the free adoption of animal companions.
Veganism is a call to respect and honor our fellow animals.
Reducing the consumption of animal products will not only bring benefits to you, but also helps the entire planet in a consciousness raising movement. Changing habits is a commitment, but every commitment leads to the next steps of evolution.