Tips for your health 1
May 04, 2023
Now that we are in this stage of collective fears, it is vital that you stop watching tabloid news, as these are usually motivated by morbid curiosity and only overexpose reality. It is important that you inform yourself, of course, but only what is necessary, and that you look for neutral sources that prevent you from falling into the trap of fear or -even worse- into the collective panic that continues to advance.
The most important thing is that we start to become strong and responsible, and that means avoiding being flooded with fears at all costs - that would only make contagion more likely. Negative emotions lower the vibration: your auric field weakens and the immune system consequently weakens. And if this is the case, the virus could enter your body;
It is time to stand before this test we have in front of us; now is when we test the power or fragility of our minds. It is vital that we use our power, aligning our mind with our heart, to raise our vibration;
Just as we have stopped hurricanes with prayer and have seen the power of unity, so must we do with the healing of our country and our planet. Let us be the strong minds at this time. I heard a phrase in an audio: we must be the Flock Immunity group. These are groups of people who generate such a strong immunity because of their food and their thoughts that when the virus comes, they weaken and counteract it and, in this way, prevent it from spreading.
Please do not be afraid. The virus is taking lives but so far it has been people who already had other acute illnesses, and the Covid19 ended up defeating their immune system. So it happened with influenza and I assure you that you already know people who had it; I had it and here I am. So what is and will be your best tool? Raise your immune system, raise your auric field; if they are strong, nothing will be able to enter, nothing will be able to harm you, neither diseases nor entities.
- Make contact with nature: go to a field, or at least a garden, and hug a tree. Many scientific studies today have shown that touching the earth with bare feet connects us to the Earth. This is called earthing and allows the body to rebalance its electrical charges, a basic process for maintaining vitality and health. Electrical and magnetic processes are part of our biology. The proper functioning of physiological systems, organs and cells depends on the electrical balance that conditions chemical reactions. The body is a natural conductor and needs electrical contact with the Earth as much as with water or nutrients. The body needs to free itself from excess positive charges that accumulate by keeping the body insulated with shoes and soles that are natural insulators. The body needs to regenerate itself with free electrons (negatively charged electrons) and that comes from the Earth's energy field, which is powered by the Sun, and from the planet's core.
- Think positive thoughts above the storm and collective fears. Laugh, trust and resonate loudly; never let yourself be inundated by the belief or fear that you will catch the virus. And even if you did catch it, you would find healing.
- Meditate to find peace of mind and harmony to avoid being affected by the news.
- Reduce the intake of flour, sugars and dairy products as this acidifies the body and helps fungi, bacteria, viruses and candida to proliferate and become unbalanced. All this weakens the immune system.
- It is vital that you take good Probiotics and Prebiotics. These help balance your probiotics, the right bacteria so your body can eliminate what's harming it.
- Vitamin C. It is one of the most powerful vitamins to raise defenses. There are treatments of high doses of vitamin C that have even cured cancer. It has been shown that people who are deficient in vitamin C often feel fatigued or depressed. In studies of hospitalized patients who had lower than normal vitamin C levels, it was found that their moods improved after receiving vitamin C;
- Biomagnetism. Magnet therapy has shown fabulous results in its applications. And considering that everything is energy, it is one of the best alternatives in healing treatments. Magnets change the pH and induce neutrality in the body - just like an antibiotic, but without the side effects. What they do is to remove bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites from their habitat, so in less than twenty minutes they are eradicated from the body naturally (sweat, saliva, urine).
- Colloidal silver. It was used as an antibiotic, but with the advent of allopathic medicines it was gradually discontinued. Today, however, it is making a comeback. It consists of tiny particles of pure silver suspended in water that are obtained by applying electricity to a piece of pure silver in water. Colloidal silver has antibiotic, antifungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. It is also useful to control candidiasis without damaging the intestinal flora;
- Turmeric. It has been revealed as a prodigious root. It fights inflammation throughout the body, improves circulation, helps cleanse the liver, reduces blood glucose levels, helps eliminate toxins, eliminates excess mucus generated by dairy consumption and promotes a healthy digestive system. In addition, it benefits the functioning of the liver, heart, digestive system, immune system and skin;
- Chlorella algae. It has a great detoxifying power. It cleanses the body of toxins and heavy metals. It has vitamin B12 and chlorophyll. The latter prevents degenerative diseases and helps heart health as it oxygenates the blood. And while it has several benefits, it stands out for its ability to strengthen the immune system by increasing defenses. It helps reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels and improves food digestion.
- Spirulina algae. It is a source of proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals very beneficial for the body. It has B vitamins that provide energy to the body and help in the formation of red blood cells. It is considered a superfood. It fights anemia, raises the defenses and helps us to have a better physical and intellectual performance.
- Essential oils. There are various oils that are ideal for the body and emotions, but oregano oil is one of the most powerful antibiotics there is: it is antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiparasitic and antiviral. It is a stimulant for the immune system. It also strengthens the vital centers;
But you must use quality products, oils that are ingestible, and use them with respect and due precautions. In addition, they need to be supervised by the person who supplies them.
It is a pleasure to be able to share this information with you. I trust that you will do so as all of the above is for your greatest physical and energetic good; not only for this moment, but for your entire long life.