10 Spiritual Habits for 2021

consciousness and evolution Jan 01, 2021

The year 2021 has arrived and with it the determination to carry out new projects, to begin to undertake the plans to see all the tasks we set out to achieve. However, you may need help to know how to begin to approach this year, because it also comes a time of a massive awakening of consciousness as the Age of Aquarius begins. Take into account the following points.

  1. Observe the habits that no longer work for you and let them go, change them for new habits: You must begin to discern what kind of information you feed your mind, since everything that enters conscious, goes to the unconscious and is what will guide you in your day to day. Observe your habits and replace those that do not add anything to your life; for example, you can replace the habit of smoking with the habit of exercising. Remember that every habit needs perseverance and commitment, apart from the determination to change.
  2. Speak well of yourself and others: Remember that to speak well of yourself is to speak well of God: Father-Mother creator manifest through you; then, when you honor yourself, you honor divinity. When you speak to a person about a third party, let it be only to find a way to help them, to be constructive with the energy you send them.
  3. Predicate by example to influence others: It is necessary to act in favor of our truth in order to be beacons of light for other people. Any person can have an impact on the life of another, it is not necessary to be a professional coach, because experience gives great wisdom, and therefore, any person can serve as an example for others. Honesty with oneself is essential to be congruent with what we say, think and do.
  4. Connect with prayers of protection and power: It is very important that you pray, prayer heals, protects and attracts blessings. When a person prays, he/she protects his/her auric field so that he/she can stay away from dangerous situations. One of the most powerful prayers is Psalm 91. When praying, you must have your thoughts and energy in intention and awareness.
  5. Meditate, at least 10 minutes a day: Remember that prayer is aimed at asking the Creator, and meditation is done to receive the Creator's answers. Meditation is indispensable in your life, as it helps to maintain balance in your body, mind and spirit..
  6. Use ho'oponopono to forgive someone: Forgiveness is necessary to move forward in life, the act of forgiveness can happen with other people as well as with yourself. Many actions that we feel we reflect on others, we hold them responsible for our own actions and we must do the exercise to stop projecting on others; we must think of the other and repeat the phrases: I'm sorry, sorry, thank you, I love you.
  7. Work from your heart, leaving out the ego: This means that you will leave aside any personal interest, for that is the ego. Thinking and acting from the heart means always acting in unity, honoring and blessing the other. Every time you make a decision or are going to commit an action, think about whether it will benefit only you, or bring a collective good..
  8. Strengthen your giving and receiving: For the Universe, it is as important to give as to receive, it should not be stronger on one side only. It is satisfying to give, to help to do good, but you must also learn to receive the blessings that the Universe sends you; refusing such a gift is the same as denying help to someone. Remember then: share and receive.
  9. Connect with Mother Earth: Every day you must connect in love and gratitude with nature. Mother Earth has given us absolutely everything, starting with the opportunity for us to live this experience in life. When you are in contact with nature, you should do it directly, i.e., by grounding yourself without shoes, so that you cleanse yourself of all overload and radiation. Stay in vibration with Mother Earth not only in this way, but by adopting a lifestyle that does not affect her.
  10. Love your neighbor as yourself: The most important point of all; always act in favor of doing good to another person, that way you do good to yourself, for we are all one. To love my neighbor as myself is the most important teaching that Jesus left us.


With these suggestions you can approach 2021, a very important period, because it is the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, which brings with it an astrological revolution, a total change to achieve a more egalitarian and conscious world.