The dangers of eating meat
May 04, 2023
Maybe at one point in your life you ate meat, maybe you still do and because of the title of this text you want to stop. At first glance, it may seem that meat is necessary to subsist, it may taste good; but the truth is that it is not even necessary, and its taste can be well replaced by more nutritious and tasty things.
Contrary to what you may think, eating meat, especially red meat, can be detrimental to your health. The most important danger you should consider is the sodium nitrates and hydrocarbons contained in this type of meat, as they favor the formation of cancer cells.
Processed meats such as sausages are high in saturated fats, in which toxins accumulate as contaminants that are used to fatten livestock.
Also, cooking meat at high temperatures or with direct exposure to fire causes harmful gases to form in the air, which contain hydrocarbons that are considered toxic for the organism, as they also favor cancer.
Soft meats, such as chicken, are no exception; the bacteria they contain are spread in kitchen sinks, on chopping boards and even on the table. These bacteria are spread when the chicken is washed, when it is flattened, or when it is simply left on a surface; these microorganisms are not eliminated with disinfectants and remain for a long time.
Salmonella is a disease caused by a bacterium that lives inside the stomach of chickens and is even found in chicken eggs. This disease causes havoc in the intestinal system, high fever, diarrhea and vomiting; eating chicken can also be dangerous.
Eating meats is harmful to the heart, as they contain high levels of cholesterol, and also increases the risk of stroke, which leads to a stroke.
Similarly, eating processed meat increases the likelihood of diabetes and obesity, again because of the large amount of fat it contains. Other ailments associated with eating meat include Alzheimer's disease, erectile dysfunction, acne, and the gradual shortening of life expectancy.
But, in spite of this, we forget one very important reason why we should avoid eating meat, and that is the danger to the animals: the meat industry is highly violent in general terms, the living conditions in livestock farms, in processing factories and in places where animals are raised for slaughter are totally degrading.
Nowadays, with the increasingly continuous change of consciousness, the slaughter of animals has been distorted and the protection of their lives has been defended, since consuming meat promotes the torture of these beings at the moment of its production.
There are many options to stop consuming meat: vegan products are an excellent option to start with this change of habits. Remember that veganism not only seeks to change your diet, but a whole lifestyle where you do not use animal products or utensils.
If you consume meat, please, make a conscious effort to think about how you are indirectly helping to end the lives of many animals. To stop consuming meat is difficult, it is a whole process, but when you achieve it, your body and the planet will thank you for it.