Age of Aquarius: the entrance of a new consciousness
May 03, 2023
Humanity has always had the need to measure time, to control the temporalities in which it lives because they need to do so in this illusion that is lived on the earthly plane.
What is an astrological era?
For astrology, time is measured in astrological eras, and they occur with the help of a point originating when the Earth's trajectory coincides with the celestial equator, this point is called the vernal point.
Each astrological era takes place when the vernal point is placed over each constellation of the zodiac, this happens every 2,148 years. Each astrological era is necessary to assimilate great changes of consciousness in humanity;
What would you think if we told you that 2020 was a product of the transition between one era and another? Just as night cannot take place immediately from day, but needs transitional stages for night to take place; so each astrological era needs its period to change.
The transition to a new era
Since the time when Jesus lived, we have lived in the Age of Pisces, an era characterized by the individualism of people and by acts bordering on egocentrism; in this era, the knowledge to advance in consciousness has been handled with difficulty, because those who have wanted to share the awakening have been persecuted and even attacked, as happened with Jesus Christ.
Every era has an end that is anticipated with necessary changes to transit; this time, the Age of Aquarius has arrived to remind us of the importance of kindness, love and mercy. The sign of Aquarius is the sign of egalitarianism, but also of revolution: do you now understand the need for a transition period as powerful as 2020 was?
The characteristics of this era may be tough, but they are opportunities to adapt and look for the best alternatives:
- The limits in health are tested, evidencing the need for homeopathic and holistic alternatives, in order to leave aside the pharmaceutical industry.
- Political and economic boundaries will be rearranged to make way for more equitable forms of organization.
- In the social sphere, the Age of Aquarius will promote equality, solidarity and humane acts.
- The care of Mother Earth is present when adapting technology to create recreational spaces that respect nature;
- We will adopt a collective humanity, respecting the singularities of each person: this means that we will be able to live in a noosphere, which is that biological space or realm where the collective consciousness lives. In this space, it will be possible to manifest spirituality with greater awareness..
As you have been able to see, the Age of Aquarius will be an astrological revolution to change the lifestyles we have, especially those where the ego reigns. It is foreseen that for this era communications will advance, that we will adopt new forms of language, that even space can be visited; but above all, that equality and humanitarianism will become part of the collective consciousness.
Be part of this new era by raising your consciousness, because for this process, honest, conscious and unafraid of the truth and real change are needed;
Welcome Age of Aquarius.